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Wisconsin residents who wish to pursue CNA certification need to first meet the requirements set forth by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. These requirements are similar to most other US states which follow federal guidelines. The state of Wisconsin follows the CNA guidelines very closely, even requiring more of perspective CNAs than most states. To begin CNA classes Milwaukee WI a person needs to be 18 and already completed high school, obtaining their diploma or GED, in order to qualify for CNA certification Wisconsin programs. A person must also be able to successfully clear a criminal background check and pass a physical exam (including a TB test). Wisconsin regulates these items closely to ensure that the people working in the medical field are qualified and trustworthy before receiving state registry and CNA license Wisconsin classification.

CNA Classes Milwaukee Wisconsin

The greater Milwaukee area: Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis areas of Wisconsin, hold the largest employment of Certified Nursing Assistants in the state. With nearly 10,000 CNA jobs, finding CNA classes Milwaukee WI is preferred, as the highest concentration of employment opportunities are found in the immediate area. CNA classes in Milwaukee Wisconsin consist of at least 120 hours of training. 32 hours of the 120 must be completed at a medical facility in Wisconsin, or at a nursing home, practicing the CNA skills which are taught during the class hours. The major requirements which are taught during these hours are skills to take care of patients day to day physical care needs. Most of the duties a CNA performs are basic, but vital for patients who can’t perform these skills themselves.

Certification & the Wisconsin CNA Registry

Once CNA classes in Milwaukee WI are complete, a Wisconsin CNA student needs to sit for the state CNA test which is administered by Pearson Vue. The test must be registered and paid for by the student and consists of a section of multiple choice questions and a section where the student is asked to perform specific tasks before an examiner. Both portions of the test in Wisconsin must be passed before a person can apply for the Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry. If everything is passed and complete (including background checks and physical exams) a person receives CNA Certification Wisconsin status and may apply and be approved for CNA work in Wisconsin. The employer may then verify that the applicant is indeed qualified by checking the Wisconsin CNA Registry for certification verification.

For more information on Wisconsin CNA Registry qualifications, process or state approved programming, a person can visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services or check with a local chapter of the American Red Cross. These are also great options to locate CNA classes in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, or your preferred region of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry
Wisconsin Department of Health Services – Division of Quality Assurance
Office of Caregiver Quality
P.O. Box 2969, Madison, WI 53701
Phone: (608) 261-8319
Fax: (608) 264-6340
Email: DHSCaregiverIntake[at]
The online Wisconsin CNA Registry is managed by Pearson Vue.
Phone: (877) 329-8760