Minnesota CNA Classes & Certification Training
Minnesota has a high need for well qualified certified nursing assistants. Most medical facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers) need competent CNA’s to help their facilities run in an orderly fashion. CNA’s work directly with patients in these settings, and as such, need to be properly trained and equipped to handle day-to-day patient care needs. In order to become CNA certified in the state of Minnesota one must complete a Minnesota Department of Health approved program.
CNA Classes in MN
CNA classes in Minnesota consist of 75 hours of training. This CNA training covers items such as medical terminology, patient care, what to do in an instance of a medical emergency such as a heart attack or stroke, as well as proper documentation of all procedures. CNA Classes in MN will also require you to clock a required amount of clinical hours in a nursing home or hospital setting under the direction of a licensed nurse. You will learn the hands-on skills required of CNA’s in a medical setting during these hours. After completing your CNA Classes in MN, all of these components will be tested during the two-part Minnesota state examination which you are required to pass in order to become certified.
An additional component of CNA training in the state of Minnesota is CPR certification. Your program may or may not cover this during the training. If they do not cover CPR it is important for you to become CPR certified at another setting prior to applying for CNA Certification MN from the Department of Health. CPR classes are offered at local Red Cross centers, and sometimes at hospitals or other medical centers.
Minnesota CNA Training
Once the CNA training MN portion of certification is complete, applicants must pass the two part examination. In order to find a testing sight, or for more information about testing, you may visit: www.health.state.mn.us. The Minnesota state test consists of two vital parts. The theoretical exam is the first part, which is basically a multiple choice style test which assesses your head knowledge of the information that was taught during your course work. There are many practice exams available online to help you prepare for this test. Also the Health Department website (listed above) outlines the material that will be covered during the test. The theoretical exam is followed a practical exam, which is done in the presence of an examiner. The examiner will have you perform around 4 or 5 skills that are required of a CNA to know and be able to perform properly. These would be procedures such as taking patients vital signs and documenting medication administration. All of the procedures will be done on a person in front of the examiner, as the proving grounds for your CNA training MN. It is important to perform each step of each procedure thoroughly and precisely so that the examiner can see that you understand the full requirements of each procedure, can perform them adequately, and are ready to receive your CNA Certification MN license.
Completing CNA Certification MN
After you have passed the examination and all your training is complete you may apply to the Department of Health for your CNA Certification MN license. Once your certification is achieved you will be placed on the Minnesota CNA Registry and will be able to apply for jobs as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Currently the average salary in Minnesota for a CNA is around $26,000 dollars. This is expected to be on the rise over the next 10 or so years as there is such a high demand for CNA’s. Additionally, there are free or reduced cost CNA training MN programs available for those with financial needs. This supplementary CNA training in Minnesota is primarily due to the fact that there is such a high need for Certified Nurse Aides in the work force.
The Minnesota CNA Registry
The purpose of the Minnesota CNA Registry, or in this instance a registry that contains Certified Nursing Assistants, is a federally mandated registry that contains a list of people who have completed training and have a valid license to work in the state of MN. A Nursing Home or Hospital who wishes to hire a candidate as an employee must first verify that the individual is listed on the Minnesota CNA Registry. This is also beneficial if you are transferring your license to another state. Typically you can apply and prove that you are currently valid in MN, as listed on the Minnesota CNA Registry, and then you should be able to transfer your license and registry to another state without much problem.
Finding CNA Jobs in Minnesota
A person in the state of Minnesota can actually be hired as a CNA if they are not already certified as long as they are enrolled in CNA classes in MN or a training program when they are hired, and complete all the requirements within 4 months of hire. There are some other loopholes for people who have had CNA training MN, or are competent in the area of nursing assistance. One may challenge the test without having gone through CNA classes in MN, but they are not allowed to work until they have passed both the written and practical exams.
Additional Resources: To find a Minnesota Department of Health approved program or CNA training MN site near you, visit: www.health.state.mn.us