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If you are looking for CNA classes in Kansas to become a Certified Nursing Aide or Assistant, you must first find and register with a state accredited training program. Local community colleges, tech schools or even your local Red Cross all have options or can guide you in the right direction. State training programs will prepare you to take the Kansas CNA license exam so that one may be added to the Kansas CNA Registry. These training programs, such as approved CNA classes Wichita KS, will include course hours as well as clinical hours. All of the training you will receive in your CNA classes in Wichita Kansas, are geared to help you pass the state test and equip you to work as a nurse aide within in Kansas. If CNA programs in Wichita KS are too far from home, there are many CNA classes in Kansas City, as well as Topeka KS and Overland Park. Most training programs only take a few weeks to complete, which is great news for those wanting to be out of the classroom and start applying to CNA jobs in Kansas.

CNA Classes in Wichita & Overland Park KS

There are often state approved 90 hour CNA classes in Kansas. The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services keeps an updated list of these training programs. According to the latest list, there were two options, one in Overland Park and the other of the CNA classes in Wichita KS.

9545 W 87TH ST
(913) 385-2144

7607 E HARRY
(316) 684-5122

Check back with the KDADS for the latest up-to-date information on CNA classes in Kansas.

Requirements for a Kansas CNA License

Kansas CNA programs consist of a minimum of 90 hours of training. Approximately half of these hours would be spent in the classroom, while the other half will be onsite a medical facility in order to practice the skills a CNA will perform. These clinical hours are to be completed subject to the guidance of a registered nurse. During both portions of the training in Kansas, a student will learn all the essential duties and skills a CNA needs to be able to perform. It is important to master these skills during the training, as students will be tested on them prior to certification. Once the test is passed, these skills will then be used daily by working CNA’s. This is why it is vital that a person pay attention during all portions of the training program, study, and practice all the skills which are taught.

Once the training is complete, a person in Kansas must pass the 2 part state CNA exam in order to achieve their certification. The first portion of the exam consists of multiple choice questions regarding the duties of a CNA. The second portion of the exam consists of performing these duties in front of a live examiner, in order to prove that you can perform the skills needed. A person must pass both portions of the exam before they can receive their license to become employed as a CNA in Kansas. In Kansas people are required to bring their state identification, proof of their graduation from a CNA program and proof that a background check has been cleared and complete. These items will need to be brought with a person the day of the exam in order to sit for the exam and also in order to achieve certification if the exams are passed.

An additional requirement of the state of Kansas for CNA’s is that they have a clean background check. Those who have been convicted of any sort of abuse are banned from working as CNA. CNA’s work closely with patients, one on one. It is important that those individuals performing these duties are people who will adequately care for the well-being of each individual.

What happens after I take the CNA exam?

If a person in Kansas passes both portions of the test (and has brought the required identification and proof of background check and program completion) then they will be placed on the Kansas Nurses Registry as a qualified CNA. This will allow possibly employers to ensure that you are certified. Persons appearing on the Nurse Aide Registry can then apply for jobs as CNA. CNA’s in Kansas make around $22 thousand a year.

Make sure you keep your address current with the state Nurse Registry as they will notify you when your license needs to be renewed. It is important to continue working as a CNA or you may not be able to renew your license. If you have further questions you may contact the Kansas Nurse Aid Registry for further assistance:

Kansas Nurse Aide Registry
Curtis State Office Building
1000 SW Jackson
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Phone:(785) 296-1500
Fax:(785) 368-6368

CNA Jobs in Kansas

Rural Kansas ranks highest in the country for CNA jobs. With almost 9,000 CNA jobs, the employment per thousand jobs equates to 22.37 jobs. If you live in the country and are wanting a CNA job in Kansas that is close to home, this is great news. If you live in the city, however, Wichita KS leads the way with nearly 4,000 CNA jobs. Topeka KS ranks second, with just over 2,300 employment oportunities. Manhattan and Lawrence KS rank lower, due to their smaller population.