CNA Training OKC Criteria for CNA Classes in Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Department of Health regulates all the requirements for Certified Nursing Assistant (or Aide) licensure in Oklahoma City and throughout the state. Before enrolling in CNA classes in Oklahoma candidates should be a minimum of 18 years old, having successfully graduated from high school and able to pass a comprehensive background check. Oklahoma standards were set to ensure that people practicing medical related duties are trustworthy individuals, as they are tasked with many important healthcare responsibilities. A physical exam by a doctor and a clear TB test are also required. People who meet these criteria may then enroll in a state approved CNA Training OKC program.
CNA Classes in Oklahoma City
CNA classes in Oklahoma City consist of both classroom time and clinical practice hours. The CNA training OKC course needs to be a minimum of 120 total hours, with not less than 16 of those hours spent in a medical setting performing CNA duties under the direct supervision of an Oklahoma registered nurse. The Nursing Aide Assessment test can be sat for once the course work is complete and passed. Testing in Oklahoma is run by D & S Technologies. Once course work is done students register for a time and place to take the two part test. It is highly recommended to take practice tests online in preparation for the examination. The test itself covers all the material a CNA student should have learned throughout their CNA classes in Oklahoma City. One section of the exam is a number of multiple choice style questions on CNA course curriculum. The second is a hands-on test which requires test takers to prove they can perform the required skills that the examiner asks them to perform. Testers are typically asked to perform four or five specific skill sets (like taking a patient’s blood pressure, or walking through the official steps needed to administer medication to a patient).
CNA Certification Oklahoma CNA Registry Status
Once CNA classes in Oklahoma City are completed and the Oklahoma CNA assessment is passed, and the other steps outlined here are complete, a perspective Nurse Aide may apply for CNA Certification Oklahoma status. The Oklahoma Nurse Aide Registry processes the applications and places the qualified applicants onto the Oklahoma CNA Registry database. After a candidate appears on the Oklahoma CNA Registry they may apply for open CNA position. The employer can then check their credentials by ensuring that the applicants name is on the Oklahoma CNA Registry.
For additional information regarding CNA Certification Oklahoma, contact:
Oklahoma Nurse Aide Registry
Oklahoma State Department of Health
1000 NE 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: (800) 695-2157 or (405) 271-4085
Fax: (405) 271-1130