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Find CNA Classes Online

Taking CNA classes online makes it easier than ever to get certified as a nursing assistant.

In today’s economy jobs are scarce and industries are downsizing, however there is one area of the job market that continues to be on the rise: the medical profession. At first, the thought of getting a job in the medical industry may sound out of reach; the impression is that it would take years and years of schooling to acquire such a job. The truth is that there are jobs in this market that take only months of training! Certified Nursing Assistance is one such job, it is a job in high demand and will continue to be in high demand for many years to come, according to The BLS; specially as our country moves into a time when the baby booming generation’s babies are now reaching elderly status. Each year more nursing homes are being built in this country, and as such, more and more medical professionals are needed, particularly CNA’s. Achieving your Certificate of Nursing Assistance can now be done from the comfort of your home, with CNA classes online! As the demand for CNA’s rises, the more programs crop up across the country and on the web.

Find CNA Training & Certification Classes Online

A Certified Nursing Assistant is there to provide support to patients and Nurses. At times, the job is very similar to the tasks required of a Nurse, but they are done under the management of a registered Nurse. The CNA job provides a way for people to begin working in the nursing industry with less time in school. Many CNA’s continue their education while they work as a CNA, seeking to become a Registered Nurse (RN) or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). The job of a CNA mostly entails taking vitals of patients, gathering information, daily care of patients such as feeding, bathing etc. Since the CNA spends a large amount of time around the patients, it is their responsibility to act as a liaison, relaying any vital information to the Nurses and Doctors regarding any changes in a patient’s behavior or health status. The prerequisites to become a CNA include a high school graduate diploma, or a passed GED test, and to complete a course or training in Certification of Nursing Assistance. Courses are offered at local colleges, technical school, hospitals, or the Red Cross. More recently, however, CNA training online has become a popular option as well.

Why would I take my CNA Classes Online?

In today’s society, it is often challenging to take time out of life to pursue higher education. Some individuals are working hard to provide for themselves and/or their family, and taking time off of work to go to school is not an option. Now, with CNA classes online people no longer have to make a choice between the two. Courses offered online can be great option for those who are unable to attend courses during the day. These individuals can integrate the course work into their already busy schedules, without having to sacrifice other priorities. Keep in mind, however, that not all people thrive in an online course setting. If you are self-motivated and a self-starter, CNA classes online may be a great option. If, however, you need the accountability of in-class time, teachers, and other students to motivate you, you may be better off taking your CNA course work at a local college, hospital or the Red Cross.

Do I need to do anything before applying to online CNA classes?

Just as with any Certificate of Nursing Assistance course you need to have completed your high school diploma, or an equivalent of a high school diploma such as a GED before attempting to enroll in CNA classes online. If you have not completed high school, or have not acquired your GED, you need to do so. GED courses are often offered within your community, or there is the option of simply studying for the GED examination and then passing the test. Either way, you need to have completed an equivalent of high school prior to applying for CNA classes online or in-person CNA training course.

How do I choose a course for CNA certification online?

Keep in mind that each state has different requirements for being certified as a Nursing Assistant. It is best to check with your local CNA licensing office to find out what the requirements are before selecting CNA classes online. In many states there is a short minimum of 100 hours of lecture and training. This is the time that you would be putting into your online certification course work. However, in some states CNA licensing boards require up to 140 hours of classroom training time. Thus the reason it is important to check with the local licensing office before selecting your online course. This way you are ensuring that you don’t end up taking more or less course hours than required for your state license. Once you have determined how many hours of course work are required, you can adequately select CNA classes online that match your needs.

Is there more to do besides my online CNA course work?

Yes! Any Certificate of Nursing Assistance program contains 3 main parts, even when taking CNA classes online. The first part is the course work. If you are doing an online CNA classes program, you are only completing the first part of working towards your CNA license. This is the largest portion of the program as far as hours invested are concerned. The second part of the program is completing clinical training hours in medical environment; a hospital or nursing home, for instance. Obviously, this portion of the program cannot be done as CNA classes online. Once again, you will need to check with your local licensing office to inquire about how many hours of clinical time are required for certification. A Registered Nurse will have to sign off on your hours as a supervisor in order to apply for licensing. The third part of the course is the state certification exam. This exam is 2 parts. The first part of the exam is a clinical portion. During the Clinical Exam you will be demonstrating your hands-on knowledge of the material you learned. You will be testing on things like taking blood pressure, how to properly dispense medication, and proper record keeping. The theoretical exam makes up the second part of the CNA test. The theoretical portion of the exam is a written test which will test your knowledge on what you learned throughout your course work. Practice tests are available as part of your CNA classes online to help you prepare.

What does CNA training online include?

The online Certification of Nursing Assistance programs cover material that will equip you in the medical field. You will study a portion of subjects such as anatomy, medical terminology, basic pharmacology, nutrition, and much more. The CNA course work is a stepping stone into the medical field. Some individuals use this as their first step toward becoming a Registered or Licensed Nurse. Those individuals may work in the field as a CNA while continuing their Nursing education. This gives them hands on, real life experience, allows them to possibly find an area they are interested in pursuing further, and equips them with knowledge of the medical field.

What do I need to do once I have completed my CNA Online Classes?

Once you are done with the online CNA classes, you will need fulfill your state required clinical hours, which are to be completed in a hospital or nursing home setting. After this you must pass your CNA examination. Once all of those items are complete you need to apply to your licensing office for your CNA certificate. Typically, you will need to turn in proof of your completed course work, completed clinical hours, your passed exam, as well as get fingerprinted, have a background check and medical exam.

Additional Resources for Online Nursing Education:

References last checked and updated March, 2025

CNA Nurses and Online HIPAA Compliance

What Is HIPAA Compliant Website Hosting?

It’s 2025 and most healthcare professionals understand the importance of protecting the private information of patients. The government takes this matter very seriously. If a medical center violates patient privacy, heavy fines could result. In some cases, courts have been known to sentence violators to jail time. In order to prevent this type of disaster, it’s important for healthcare providers to comply with HIPAA protocols.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA is an acronym that stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1996. This legislation contains several parts, including the following:

  • Medicaid/Medicare integrity program (MIP) fraud and abuse
  • Administrative simplification
  • Portability
  • Protected health information (PHI)

PHI is a provision in Title II of HIPAA which lays out requirements for privacy and security of health information of patients. Portability has to do with health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions who change health plans or employers. MIP supports the hiring of anti-fraud contractors and other measures to prevent insurance fraud. The administrative simplification provision sets forth a standard of transaction codes and various rules for upholding privacy and security. HIPAA also specifically stipulates the requirement that healthcare organizations must use HIPAA compliant hosting for their websites and other network activity.

Types of HIPAA Compliant Online Hosting

There are four requirements for this type of hosting:

  • Technical safeguards
  • Physical safeguards
  • Network security
  • Technical policies

Physical safeguards deal with authorization for computer access when storing or transmitting electronic protected health information (ePHI). Technical safeguards protect against unauthorized public access to protected health information through various methods such as encryption, automatic log off and user IDs. Network security protects transmissions of private healthcare information via email and other internet communications. Technical policies are final security measures that ensure ePHI is not destroyed or changed, and require that data must have backups.

Who is required to use HIPAA compliant hosting?

Any organization that engages with protected health information on their website is required to use HIPAA compliant web hosting companies. This includes any type of business entity or associate involved with the data. Examples of this could be dentists, chiropractors, doctors and nursing homes. Business associates include healthcare clearinghouses, insurance providers and others.

How to choose HIPAA compliant hosting

To find an adequate host company, inquire about their methods for securing data, and ask if they have dedicated onsite servers available. Also, ask if they use offsite backup services, and find out which other organizations use their services. It always pays to be thorough when safeguarding sensitive data and when making sure that your organization is in line with legal requirements. For more information on HIPAA compliant hosting, visit and Make securing your sensitive patient records and healthcare data a priority in 2025 and beyond.