CNA Classes in Arkansas
For individuals seeking to become certified to work as a certified nursing assistant in the state of Arkansas, the first step is finding CNA classes in Arkansas that is accredited by the state. Many qualified CNA training programs in Arkansas are offered by your local chapter of the American Red Cross. Sometimes the Red Cross even offers the training needed to become a CNA themselves. Usually if this is the case, the cost of the CNA program can be a more affordable option to taking the required CNA classes from an online source or local college or technical school. If the Red Cross in your area does not offer training courses, they can often direct you to sources in Arkansas that do provide state approved CNA training programs for those who are looking to become a Certified Nursing Assistant.
Once you have found, selected and enrolled in CNA classes in Arkansas, you will be well on your way to obtaining your CNA certification Arkansas license and entering an exciting medical career. Currently in the state of Arkansas there is a rather high demand for qualified CNA’s in hospitals, care centers, and nursing homes. Certified and capable CNA’s should have a relatively easy time finding a job working in their field, as Arkansas has the 5th highest concentration of jobs in comparison to the state’s population. According to federal data reports, there are over 18,000 CNA jobs in Arkansas, which means that almost 16 jobs per thousand jobs in Arkansas are for positions as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Out of the state, the Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Conway, AR region has the highest amount of CNA jobs in Arkansas, with nearly 6,000 employment opportunities on record. Little Rock AR is followed by Fort Smith, with the Fayetteville, Springdale and Rogers AR area coming in third.
Info on Arkansas CNA Classes
Most CNA classes in Arkansas are comprised of around 120 hours of in-classroom and clinical experience/training time. The minimum required training hours for CNA classes in Arkansas is 90 hours. These hours are split between time in a classroom setting (learning the skills and concepts needed) and in a clinical or medical setting (practicing the skills and concepts in a hands-on environment under the advisement and direction of a registered nurse). These Arkansas CNA classes will teach you about patient care, procedures a CNA is required to do, laws regarding medical practice, and other skills involved in taking care of patient’s on a daily basis. One of the main responsibilities of a CNA is to help a patient with the personal care skills which they can no longer (or at the moment) perform themselves. Also, CNA’s are there to keep an eye on changes in patient health and to report these changes back to nurses and doctors. In a sense, CNA’s are often the eyes and ears of doctors and nurses, because they spend more time with the patients, and therefore notice small changes a lot sooner than other medical professionals who spend less time working directly with the patients.
Once the CNA training hours are completed (which usually takes several weeks, but can take up to a couple of months), a CNA student in Arkansas should be adequately prepared to take and pass the CNA Certification Arkansas exam. There are 2 tests which make up the CNA exam in Arkansas. A person that passes both sections of the tests will be placed on the Arkansas CNA registry as a Certified Nursing Assistant. This way employers can check the Arkansas CNA Registry to ensure that you have met the requirements expected of a CNA before hiring a job applicant.
What does the CNA Certification Arkansas exam consist of?
The Arkansas Nurse Aide Exam is offered by Prometric. Like most other states, the exam is 2 parts. The first part of the Prometric CNA Arkansas exam is a multiple choice test which asks questions regarding the materials that are covered in your CNA classes and certification training work. The second part of the test is actually a physical demonstration of the skills that an individual learned while they were doing the practical hours in a medical setting. These skills may include showing a test proctor that you can successfully and properly take a patients vital signs, administer medication, and document all items in the required manner. Make sure that you have gotten adequate sleep, eaten a healthy meal, and prepared for both exams. There are sample exams available online for practice to better prepare you. The CNA training is designed to teach you the items needed in order to pass these tests, so theoretically if you have invested your time properly throughout your time in CNA classes in Arkansas you should be adequately prepared to take the tests and pass. However, it would be wise to continue studying until the exams are, in fact, passed and CNA certification in Arizona is achieved.
How long is my CNA certification good for in Arkansas?
After passing both tests, a person will be placed on the Arkansas CNA Registry and certified as a CNA. This means that employers can verify your license online. Your CNA license will need to be reviewed in Arkansas every 2 years. Make sure that the state licensing board has a current address on file for you, as they typically send out a warning prior to your license expiring. There may be instances where you simply need to prove you have worked a certain number of hour in order to renew your certification, other times you may need to update CPR certification or take additional training in order to renew your license. It is important to keep your CNA certification up to date in order to keep working as CNA.
You may contact the Arkansas State Board of Nursing with any further questions about CNA classes in Little Rock AR, training, examination, or registry license process:
Arkansas State Board of Nursing
University Tower Bldg.
1123 South University
Suite 800
Little Rock, AR 72204-1619
Phone: 501-686-2700
Fax: 501-686-2714