CNA Certification Process in Iowa
In Iowa, to become a licensed Certified Nursing Assistant, a person needs to go through a minimum of 75 hours of CNA training. 30 of the 75 hours need to be clinical practice. Once the CNA classes in Iowa are complete, a person in IA wishing to work as a CNA must then pass the 2 part state exam to be added to the Iowa CNA Registry. The CNA training facility often administers the CNA test themselves as is approved in Iowa state law for CNA certification. Once a person passes and ends up on the Iowa CNA Registry they can apply for work as a Nurse Aide. The Iowa CNA Registry is how employers ensure that the people they are hiring having proper state CNA certification to work in the capacity they are applying to work in. CNA’s need to (by law) go through these steps, or the facility which hired a person without certification can be liable.
CNA Classes in Iowa
Most people in Iowa who are looking to be properly licensed as a Certified Nursing Assistant pay for CNA classes in Iowa through a school or state approved program. However, there are some licensed nursing facilities that will hire a person and pay for their CNA training, certification, and even testing. If the CNA classes in Iowa are not paid for by an employer it can cost around $150, plus between $15 and $50 for testing costs.
Keep in mind, that in Iowa (just as with any state) any person found guilty of abuse of neglect of any person (at work or anywhere else) will not be allowed to be employed as CNA. Iowa requires that all medical professionals meet basic background check requirements to ensure that responsible people are running the care facility units within the state. In order to keep an Iowa CNA license up to date, a person needs to work in some capacity as a CNA within the 2 years a license is issued. A person must prove this when renewing their Iowa CNA certification. There is currently no charge for renewal of CNA certification in Iowa.
CNA Jobs in Iowa
Iowa is one of the top states for CNA jobs in the USA. Ranked #4 in the country, there were almost 24,000 CNA jobs in Iowa, according to a 2014 survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This gives Iowa rating of 15.59 CNA jobs per thousand people, or a location quotient of 1.48. The average wage in 2014 of a CNA in Iowa was $12.15 per hour, or $25,270 per year.
Iowa also ranks among the highest non-metropolitan areas for CNA jobs. Rural Southeast Iowa has over 4,000 CNA jobs, which equates to 19.01 CNA jobs per thousand people in the area. The area of rural Northeast Iowa ranks even higher, with the second largest employment per thousand jobs in the country at 26.40/thousand or a location quotient of 2.50.
Des Moines Iowa, which includes West Des Moines, has almost 3,500 CNA jobs, making it the largest metropolitan concentration of CNA employment opportunities in the state. Des Moines is followed by the Davenport – Moline – Rock Island area at just over 2,300 CNA jobs. Cedar Rapids Iowa comes in third for CNA jobs in major cities of Iowa.
Any additional questions about CNA certification Iowa, or license/renewals can be directed to:
Iowa License Authority:
Division of Health Facilities
Lucas State Office Building
321 E 12th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515-242-5991