CNA Certification Classes in New Hampshire
In New Hampshire a person wishing to become a Certified Nursing Assistant can take the necessary classes at many different New Hampshire sites. For example, the American Red Cross in Concord and Keene New Hampshire offer CNA courses. There are also many options for CNA certification training programs in Manchester New Hampshire. To qualify for Red Cross CNA classes in New Hampshire, a person needs to be at least 16 years old. There is an entrance exam and interview that must be passed prior to be admitted into the Red Cross CNA program. The nice thing about CNA certification through the Red Cross in New Hampshire is that a high school diploma is not required. This could allow for people who are still completing high school to take their CNA classes in New Hampshire. This way by the time they complete high school, they will already have a certificate which allows them to work at an entry level in the medical field. This unique opportunity could jump start a person’s medical career in a huge way.
New Hampshire CNA Certification Training Programs
In New Hampshire, CNA training needs to consist of a minimum of 75 hours. 25 hours of the 75 are completed in a clinical setting, supervised by a New Hampshire registered nurse. The clinical hours are designed to allow the student to gain practice of the skills which are necessary to master in order to work as a qualified CNA. Once the training is complete a CNA candidate will need to pass the NAT state competency test. This test is designed to measure the degree of mastery of CNA skills each student has achieved through training. If the test is passed, and a student has also cleared a medical exam and criminal history background check, they will then be placed on the New Hampshire Nurse Aide Registry. The New Hampshire CNA Registry is designed to allow medical centers to be able to check the credentials of perspective candidates who are applying for work.
New Hampshire CNA Registry & Nursing Board
It is important for certified CNA’s in New Hampshire to keep their address and other information current with the New Hampshire nursing board. The nursing board will notify a person when their certification is up for renewal. In order to renew your certificate you must have worked a minimum number of hours throughout the time a valid license was held. New Hampshire also has reciprocity with other states. A CNA license achieved in New Hampshire may allow a person to easily achieve a license in another state.
For more information on CNA classes in New Hampshire, certification requirements, course work details and renewal instruction, please contact the New Hampshire Nursing Board.
New Hampshire Nurse Aide Registry
New Hampshire Board of Nursing
21 South Fruit Street, Suite 16, Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-6282 or (603) 271-2323
License Verification: (603) 271-6599
Fax: (603) 271-6605