Vermont CNA Training - Program Classes
The Vermont state Board of Nursing follows the federal guidelines suggested for CNA registration. In Vermont CNAs need to have already completed high school successfully, or have passed the GED test, and they need to be a minimum of 18 years old. If these requirements are met, Vermont CNA hopefuls must also undergo background checks and be fingerprinted prior to enrolling in CNA classes in Vermont. This is to ensure that no persons who have been convicted of abuse are working in the medical field with the general public. Physical exams are also required in Vermont, including a clear TB test. All of the requirements are in place to regulate the people who are working as CNAs. It is a very important and necessary position for the working of the entire medical system within the state of Vermont. CNAs are the front lines, caring for patient’s daily needs, and interacting with the sick and needy who are needing a compassionate set of hands.
CNA Training in Vermont
CNA classes in Vermont consist of both classroom hours and clinical hours. Just like in most states throughout the United States, 75 is the minimum number of CNA training hours which nursing assistant course of study may consists of. The Vermont CNA training process can be completed quickly. This means a person can be done with training and working as a CNA in Vermont in a few months or even weeks depending on how quickly a person completes the process. After the CNA training hours are successfully completed, CNA students then sit for the state test. The CNA test in Vermont is given by D & S Technologies. The test itself covers the skills taught during training through a 2 part exam (part 1 is multiple choice questions in a standardized test format, part 2 is actual doing the things a CNA is required to do in front of a person who is evaluating the testers performance). Once these tests are passed at above an 80%, a CNA candidate applies for registration through the Vermont Nursing Board. This is in order to be cleared as a CNA within the state of Vermont. Licenses are valid for 2 years, and a person must have been employed as a CNA within Vermont sometime in those 2 years to be able to renew the certification license at time of expiration.
The Burlington and South Burlington Vermont areas have over 1,100 CNA jobs, according to the national 2014 employment statistics data. Students seeking CNA classes in Burlington Vermont will have the most CNA training options available.
For more information on the Vermont CNA registry or on training programs and CNA classes in VT, contact the state board of nursing below:
Vermont State Board of Nursing
Heritage Building, 81 River Street, Montpelier, VT 05609
Phone: (802) 828-2819, (802) 828-2453, or (802) 828-2396
Fax: (802) 828-2484