Nebraska CNA Registry License Classes
Becoming a certified CNA in Nebraska
The Nebraska Department of Health (DHHS) sets the requirements and standards for how to become a certified nurse assistant (or certified nurse aide) for the state. If you are looking to become a CNA in Nebraska you need to first reach the age of 16, have a clear criminal history, and be able to speak and understand the English language. If these criteria are met a person can either find a training program, or look for work as CNA and begin the training as they begin working. A person needs to complete CNA classes in Nebraska or similar certification training program and successfully pass the state test within 120 days of obtaining a job as a CNA in order to be permitted to continue working. This allows people to work and earn money while they are working towards their CNA certification in Nebraska.
CNA Classes in Nebraska
CNA classes in Nebraska consist of 75 hours of training, or 21 hour basic resident care course for the developmentally disabled. 16 of the 75 hours need to be hours spent at a medical site under the supervisory care of a Nebraska registered nurse. These hours may be paid if you are employed prior to getting your certification. Once the class work is complete, a CNA candidate in Nebraska needs to take and pass the state exam. Just like in other states the exam is 2 parts, one is multiple choice, the other is practical. You must score above a 70% to be considered passing.
There are background checks and other documentation that will be submitted to the Nebraska nurse aide registry along with the exam. If everything is completed properly, the individual who completed the CNA classes and test will appear on the Nebraska CNA Registry which employers and medical centers have access to. This is to ensure that everyone working in the Nebraska medical field is properly certified for the area in which they work.
For more information on CNA classes in Nebraska, or the CNA license requirements, contact the Nebraska CNA Registry:
Nebraska CNA Registry
NE Department of Health & Human Services – Regulation and Licensure Credentialing Division
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Phone: (402) 471-0537
CNA License Verification: (402) 471-0537
Fax: (402) 471-1066